The Unexpected Gifts of Being a Nomad


It goes without saying that a desire to travel is one of the main motivators behind people that choose to live on the road, but there is so much more the road has to offer. Exploring new places may be the reason you get on the road, but it’s the things in between that can make or break you. After all, the road is long and not every place rewards you with a breathtaking vista! Continue reading

Mechanical Wrap Up


Alright, now that I’ve wrapped up all of the repairs that went down in Utah back in 2018, I may as well bring you up to date on the rest of the mechanical issues I’ve dealt with since. First, let’s recap for anyone who is keeping track. And honestly, I wouldn’t mind seeing all I’ve accomplished mechanically written down so I can admire it and say to myself, “You’ve come a long way baby!”

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Utah Wrap Up


Ok readers. Things have got to change around these parts. As you may have realized by now, I am ridiculously behind on blogging! 2 years in fact! It turns out trying to document my story in long form while traveling is not an easy feat. So here’s what I’m going to do.

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Here We Go Again


Jeffrey and I rolled into the back lot of the vacant house well after dark. I was relieved to have made it and decided I was going to ignore whatever was going on until after Jeffrey left. I didn’t want it to ruin the last night we had together and sometimes it just feels better to live in denial for a bit. Continue reading